PhD and beyond
- PhD in Applied Mathematics
Supervisor: Pierre-Louis Lions (unofficial co-supervisor: Jean-Michel Lasry) .
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)
Undergraduate and graduate studies
- Special Student at Harvard University
- Graduated from ENSAE ParisTech
- Agrégation de Mathématiques
- Ecole Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm) - S 2003 - L and M in Mathematics and Economics
- Admitted to ENS Ulm, ENS Lyon, ENS Cachan and Ecole Polytechnique
- Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance 2023 (IEF/Fondation SCOR pour la Science Award)
- EIF-FBF "Best Paper Award in Finance" 2016 (with Charles-Albert Lehalle)
- Rosemont-Demassieux prize 2010 (prix de la Chancellerie) for the best PhD in Sciences
- AAENSAE Prize 2007 (with David Zerbib)